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Marky D. Sade’s Kinky Week In Kink

August 3, 2008

Image by Lochai (

Image by Lochai (

The weeks sexiest, kinkiest, hottest, blog posts, BDSM scenes, NSFW pics, HNTs, and so much more!  That’s The Week in Kink.  Catalina chooses her favorite blog posts from her blogs and her friends’ blogs and put them here for you kinky people to read.  The Week in Kink is different than The Sugasm because they are all chosen by the editor rather than submitted by the writers.  You should check out The Sugasm if you enjoy a weekly digest of the best sex blog posts.  It comes out on a different day and generally features different posts than those I’ve chosen.  Tell Vixen I sent you :)

And now, without further adieu, I present This Week’s Sexiest Blog Posts…

Catalina Loves - Class And Intellect With A Naughty Twist:

Catalina Says - A Very Opinionated Girl:

The Momme Domme - From Pro Momme to Pro Domme:

Mr. and Mrs. Kink (dot com) - A Very Kinky Marriage:

Corset and Collar: - A Very Diverse Fetish Blog:

Marky D. Sade - A Very Sexy Bondage/Hardcore BDSM Blog:

Mz Berlin’s Blog:

Satine Phoenix’s Blog:

Naughty Secretary:

Narration by D:

Thursday’s Child:

Ellie Lumpesse - Pretentious Pervert:

Sgt. Major’s Briefing Room:

Diary of a Kinky Librarian:

The Accidental Blowjob:

Well, that should keep you busy reading for a while.  Sorry that this week’s edition of The Week in Kink is late.  It’s because I was off having fun!  (GASP)  Yes, sometimes I get away from my desk and actually enter the 3-D world and socialize.  If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have anything good to write about! :)  Enjoy Your Kinky Week!

The image above is by Lochai.  Anybody who follows any of my blogs knows about my crush on Lochai and his wife.  Check out Lochai’s page at and also look at the Lochai categories on Catalina Loves and Catalina Says for more about Lochai and his wonderfulness.  Thank you, Lochai, for letting me use your images so freely.  I am a very lucky girl.

Filed under: Kinky Thinky, Lochai, This Week In Kink |

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