Is This How You See Yourself? (Bondage, Femdom)

Posted by admin on January 3rd, 2008 filed in Bondage, Power Play


Do you indentify with the man in the collar, on his knees? Do you identify with the femdom whipping his ass? This bondage blog recommends checking our Niche Pass, so you can explore your predilections further.  They have a million sites, some of them good, and the content is pretty compelling. Take a gander, sissyboi.

3 Responses to “Is This How You See Yourself? (Bondage, Femdom)”

  1. robert e jones Says:

    i believe i do see myself in this way. thank you for showing me my ways.

  2. admin Says:

    One’s sexuality is an important, but not THE most important, aspect of one’s self. The path is toward self discovery, Robert. Sex is one aspect. The journey IS the destination.

  3. robert e jones Says:

    i do understand that this is only PART of me i am many other facets as well this is only part of my discovery and i wanted to thank you for helping me discover this part of me :D.

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