Rube Goldberg Would Be Proud (Bondage, Device Bondage, Forced Orgasms, Shibari)

Posted by admin on January 5th, 2008 filed in Bondage,, Forced Orgasms,, Power Play, Shibari


This bondage blog is all about innovation. Device Bondage (, a joint, features contraptions that could have been designed by Terry Gilliam. The picture of Kayden Faye (above) looks like something left over from 12 Monkeys. Poor Kayden Faye is forced to cum over and over. Device Bondage is perfect for setups, scenes and situations. Take a look and see if you agree. Oh yes. Device Bondage has live shows that you can log into and participate with, as well. Pretty badass if you ask me.



2 Responses to “Rube Goldberg Would Be Proud (Bondage, Device Bondage, Forced Orgasms, Shibari)”

  1. robert e jones Says:

    usually in the first picture is the link to the picture preview and movie clip preview but i believe you forgot to add it to the first picture, i click on the second picture and it takes me to the join screen. i just thought you should know.

  2. admin Says:

    Thanks for the heads up, Robert!

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